Tuesday 3 January 2017

Free Coaching: Take nothing for granted.

As I write this, it is early January. Many people have gone back to work after a wonderful break and are feeling rather deflated.
Some people resolved to do many things on 1st January and have lost their way. They are possibly feeling fed up and angry with themselves for giving in so soon.
Some people did not have a good break and are feeling upset with their loved ones.
Others may have spent more than they could afford, borrowing money so they could buy gifts to make other people happy with expensive gifts and are now worried how they are going to pay for it all.

This time of year is often cold. It gets dark early and lots of people start to feel rather low.

One way of helping to lift your mood is to sit for a while and think of all the things that you do have going well in your life right now.
Think of the people you care about, the places you have enjoyed going to recently and your achievements.
It can be easy to take everything we have now for granted.
Look around you. Look at all the things you have around you that bring back happy memories and the things that make your life easier.
You might think your body could be improved but look at all the things that it does for you now.
Maybe your relationships could go more smoothly but they can be worked on. Look at all the people who have supported you to date and will continue to support and care about you.

Whenever I stop and take a moment to appreciate everything I have in my life, the happier I feel.
Even situations that I have found challenging have helped me to learn and grow.
I try to take nothing for granted and appreciate all I have and all that I am.

We can be very hard on ourselves and take our achievements and skills for granted. We can be critical of ourselves wishing we were better, smarter, fitter, younger etc.
When we learn to appreciate ourselves we find that our lives open up in so many ways.
Spend time now appreciating all the things that you can do. Be forgiving of yourself and others for mistakes that are made.
Appreciating what we have and gently releasing any resentment that we have been holding onto can really brighten our days.

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