Saturday 17 October 2015

Step 2: Affirmations

Positive affirmations are stated in the present tense. My favourite is, 'Everything is happening exactly as it should.'
This serves to remind me that everything we experience, we can learn from.
Challenges help us to become resourceful and strong and can be just as helpful to our development as the things that we perceive to be our successes.
You can write positive affirmations onto post-it notes and leave them all around your house. They will help you to remain positive.
You can add them to any vision boards that you create in order to reinforce your desires.
It is very helpful to sit back and listen to your self-talk. We say things to ourselves in our heads all the time. Some of the things we say can be helpful but much of this 'chatter' can be negative. This self-talk can be negative about ourselves or others.
Negative self-talk is not helpful and positive affirmations help to even up the score somewhat.
Try saying your positive affirmations out loud. Make sure they feel right and believable to you.
If you are trying to lose weight saying 'I have a lovely slim body' may not feel believable to you could say, 'My body gets healthier each day.'
This statement can motivate you to take exercise  and eat healthily so can become a self-fulfilling prophecy
Putting yourself or others down in public can be damaging. Listen to what others say about themselves and others. It is surprising how negative people can be, it has become a difficult habit to shake off for many people.
Say your positive affirmations out loud. This can feel awkward at first but do it anyway and you will see how effective they can be.
. From today listen to yourself and others and note how often people are negative towards themselves or others. There is no point in feeling angry with yourself or anyone else when you notice this but now you are aware of this tendency you can even things up by making positive statements about yourself and others. This gets easier the more you do it.
Focus on positive affirmations for a week and see how much happier you feel.
I would be very interested to hear how you get on!

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