Thursday 19 November 2015

Reflecting on the year...

I think when the nights draw in and the weather gets cold and windy my thoughts naturally turn to reflecting on the year that is passing so fast.
This year I have sold my house, sold my holiday caravan and moved into a residential caravan. I have trained as a life coach and had my book '100 Free Ways To Happier Days' published.
This has all been very exciting and has moved my life in the direction I want to go in.
The next steps will be intriguing too.
I have been lucky enough to see a lot of my family and friends this year including my 95 year old Gran who lives in USA.
In this year there have been ups and downs in my own life as well as the lives of others who I know and also the people I don't know.
Life is here to be lived, explored and made the most of.
It is a precious gift to us all.We learn as much or more from the lows as we do from the highs and while we celebrate our successes we truly learn from our mistakes.
I am grateful to be living right here right now knowing all the amazing people that I know now as well as looking forward to meeting the inspiring people I have yet to meet. :)

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