Sunday 8 November 2015

Step 8 The Power of Positive Thinking~ Thoughts are Things.

A lot is written about positive thinking. It works. When you think positively, you are not being asked to deny the things that are happening around you. Instead thinking positively leads you to look for the most positive outcome in any given situation.
If you have a tendency to think negatively the world can appear corrupt, unfair and damaged. If you look carefully amongst all the doom and gloom you will see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.
Walking along the grey concreted streets you can see a beautiful wild flower emerging from the cracks, for example.
Whenever I make the effort to think positively I find that new and exciting opportunities come my way.
I spent years quietly assuming the worst. What if this or that happened?
Expecting the worst leads to anxiety and this can become a habit.
One day I thought, 'What if instead of assuming the worst I start to expect the best?'
I realised that worrying about things that may never happen is a complete waste of time and so now I focus my efforts on consciously expecting the best.
I don't get this right all the time but I am working on it and it is making a real difference to my life.
Why not give it a try?
Start off thinking positively for a day and then build to a week and see how much happier you feel.
Our thoughts help us to create our reality. Thoughts are things.

Every cloud has a silver lining!

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